Welcome to the Bear Lake Underwater Water Dive Team Blog

On our blog you will find information about our Dive Team as well as our trainings and call outs..... Please feel free to contact me for further information or questions..

Mike Leonhardt
Bear Lake Underwater Dive Team

Friday, December 26, 2008

Pictures of team and training at bear lake.....

Picture of Bear Lake Dive Team:
From L to R Back row.. Jarred Farmer, Heather Jensen.
2nd Row L to R: Dorian Grunig, Stan Lamborn, Clint England, Clint Harris, Kyle Hodges.
Front Row L to R: Bret England, Randy Lamborn, Mike Leonhardt and Robbie Leonhardt.
Not Picured: Craig Forsberg, Vaughn Rasmussen and Mike Jensen.

Dive training at Cisco beach - Bear Lake..
Temperature of lake varies at different depths.. Their is 4 thermoclines in bear lake ranging at 10ft@ 57 degrees to 100ft @ 39 degrees.. Clint England and I dropped to 104ft in Late August and the temp was 38 degrees and visibility was dark enough you couldnt see each other.. It is not recomended that divers go below 60ft.. We normally dive to a depth around 65 ft where normal temp will be 46 to 49 degrees and visibility is fairly good at that depth as long as you dont hit the bottom and stir the silt up....